HISB31H3 Lecture : Lecture notes week 10
Document Summary
N march 1933: suspends constitution: hitler cannot do this himself, hindenburg has to do it, but hitler still does it before approaching hindenburg. July 1934: nazis as sole party: nazis say that there can be no loyal oppositions because how can a person be loyal and in opposition this knocks off the last aspect of democracy. N while hitler wanted to kill off all the jewish, however, he did not know how he did not know how. N while the holocaust happened, the forms of killing were not planned from before. 1936 1937 (munich olympics) this is suspended or suppressed because between 1936 and 1937 are the olympics as long as hitler is ranting against the soviet union, the british and the french applaud him. 1939 1941 (ghettoization) the death camps start when there is military imprisonment this is different because the jews are getting pushed out of the german borders into other countries, like france,