HISB41H3 Lecture : Lecture 4
Document Summary
William lyon mackenzie king and ford/four? auto workers pictures. Period in which the country remained traumatized from ww1 - several fronts - sheer emotional toll of war was heavy - 60k died - never experienced before. Very few canadians who didn"t know someone killed in war. Caused a lot of strain and uncertainty - desire for things to go back to the way they were - conservative impulse. Economically affected - full employment during the war - canadian govt did poor job of transitioning soldiers back into civilian life - soldiers found themselves jobless - no access to assistance. 1920s us - roaring twenties - not so in canada - didn"t recover until 1926 - boom until 1829 crash. Historians know more about him than they should. Two waves spread around world - aided by soldiers returning home - and by the fact that soldiers were kept in close quarters.