HISB93H3 Lecture : HISB93H3 Professor Dowler Fall 2009 Lecture Note
NOV 24
x Muscovy was creating itself into an empire
x The extent and the speed of expansion to the south and east was remarkable
x It was difficult to expand to the west because there were many organized territories already
(so conflict)
x In the south, the Crimean Tatars are in place and they are protected by the Ottoman Empire
x There is the possibility of expansion to the south, but there is conflict there too
x In the east, there are not many organized states to resist a serious Russian push
x Only the Chinese were able to halt their expansion
x The eastern frontier is open and Russian expansion there is spectacular
x Why states expand are for defensive and economic motives
x When faced with an enemy, like the Crimean Tatars, the natural impulse is to push back the
area where the enemy operates (create a buffer zone)
x Preferably, you defeat the enemy and annex their territory
x This motive in Russia is made more important by the flatness and openness of the country
with very little natural boundaries
x The Russians tended to expand in search for borders
x The economic motive makes them move into an area in search for resources and exploit that
area (for furs, honey, lax, salt etc)
x This search for new resources led the Russians across Siberia and on to the west coast and
establish trading posts into Southern California
x There was an additional economic motive which was the tendency of the peasantry to move
into new areas
Document Summary
N muscovy was creating itself into an empire. N the extent and the speed of expansion to the south and east was remarkable. It was difficult to expand to the west because there were many organized territories already (so conflict) In the south, the crimean tatars are in place and they are protected by the ottoman empire. N there is the possibility of expansion to the south, but there is conflict there too. In the east, there are not many organized states to resist a serious russian push. N only the chinese were able to halt their expansion. N the eastern frontier is open and russian expansion there is spectacular. N why states expand are for defensive and economic motives. N when faced with an enemy, like the crimean tatars, the natural impulse is to push back the area where the enemy operates (create a buffer zone) N preferably, you defeat the enemy and annex their territory.