HLTA02H3 Lecture : These are Chapter 3 Notes from the textbook
Document Summary
Chapter three: the emerging public health system in canada. public health policy and practice focus on preventing injury and illness. between the late 18th century and the early 20th century health care services generally were left to the market where many unregulated service providers competed for customers. In the early 20th century, efforts were made to develop and regulate health care providers and managed a health care system. for the last century health care focused mainly on medical and hospital care. In the last two or three decades, efforts were made to reform the canadian medical care system to a health care system. health promotion has recently become a goal of health policy, encouraging and empowering individuals to make healthy choices and discouraging from unhealthy choices. I t draws attention to many social determinants of health and illness that effect the health status as a whole and as sub-groups in society.