HLTB21H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Smallpox, Orthopoxvirus, Ramesses V

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31 Oct 2010

Document Summary

Believed to have appeared around 10,000bc, at the time of the rst agricultural settlements in. Ne africa and spread to india by means of ancient egyptian merchants. Earliest evidence of skin lesions resembling those of smallpox on egyptian mummies (1570 - The mummi ed head of the egyptian pharaoh ramses v (died 1156 bc) bears evidence of teh disease. Concurrently, smallpox has been reported in ancient asian cultures, described 1122 bc in. China and is mentioned in ancient texts of india. Introduced to europe between the fth and seventh centuries and was frequently epidemic during the middle ages. Plague of antonine - decline of the roman empire (ad 108) Introduction by the spanish and portugese led to the decimation of the local population and was instrumental in the fall of the empire of the aztees and the incas. Eastern coast of north america. the disease was introduced by the early settlers and led to a decline in the native population.

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