HLTB21H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Smallpox Vaccine, Cowpox, Ramesses V

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13 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Earliest evidence egyptian mummies: in the face of mummies, pharaoh ramses v died 1157bc. Describe in ancient chinese and indian texts. 430bc- plague of athens (overcrowded: they are locked in the city, ship brought in disease. Europe- frequent epidemic: high mortality rate, 16th century became a serious disease in england and europe. Contributed to the settlement of n america by the french and. 1950: estimated 50 million cases per year. More in warmer country even though the virus itself are more sensitive in sunlight. Majority of the disease decrease in the 1920s. At 1959 resolution of global smallpox eradication, most went low except africa. At 1967- mostly in brazil and africa. Pathogen: orthopoxvirus: variola major : chicken pox, cow pox all have the same, ordinary 90%, modified, falt and hemorrhagic, there"s different version. Bleed from their eyes and bleeding gum: vaiola minor. Anything from the major will have lifetime immunity.

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