HLTB21H3 Lecture Notes - Estuary, Etiology, Health Geography

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15 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Believed disease was caused by bad vapors one would have to inhale and that would cause disease. Referred to a bad odour from those vapors. Germ theory: there was an x factor in the air and y factor in the soil. The uniting of x and y caused the disease. Infection caused by contact with person to person. *focus on the people that supported the contagion theory (names on the slide). People didn"t want to believe this theory because it seemed conservatism. It involved quarantining people, which people didn"t necessarily improve of. 7 pandemics are still ongoing today: 1816-1821: cholera spread through out to the world in early 19th century, a 1829- 1851: lot happened in social transformation in second pandemic. A lot was done in terms of public health and sanitation measures in general: 1961. ongoing up to present day but believes to be the end of the pandemic.

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