HLTB21H3 Lecture 4: Week 4 Lecture Notes
Document Summary
Social class - based on level of income (hierarchy) arrangements of people in society as economic groups. Social causation hypothesis factors associated with socio-economic status influence on health, link between incomes (poor people end up with poor health) Psychological stress: response to stress, mediating factors, how one copes is very important (impacts psychological factors and how it effects health) Crisis theory always trying to get back to a happier time in one"s life; homeostasis and equilibrium; deals with coping; based on cognitive theory; appraisal of models of coping. Labeling and social stigma: sense of powerfulness. Depersonalization (someone who is disabled: at a social level social reaction which leads to a split identity + labeling, social interaction vs. Symbolic interaction: social interaction managing stress + coping, minimize social stigmas, acceptance, symbolic interaction how it is to be different, disabled and ill is symbolic. Health related behaviors: sick role: does not always know for sure; at an individual level.