HLTC22H3 Lecture Notes - Mortality Rate, Human Musculoskeletal System, Sage Publications

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8 Dec 2012

Document Summary

Introduction to the course: course outline, assignments and exams. Hltb01 lecture one-class notes: current events: in the last year in 2009, swine flu was one of the big stories, H1n1 brought in a new challenge for us, we became aware we had to do something. It was an on going issue and surfaced in 2009: zambony theory on ms. ms targets those between ages 20- 40. It affects people at the prime of their life and causes nerological symptoms. Zambony doesn"t believe ms is auto immune disease as researchers had thought before. They are really suffering from blockages in veins and their necks. Due to blocks there is a reflex of blood back to brain. A lot of funding and researching is going on: use of viruses to fight bacteria. We are becoming resistant to use of anti biotic, but studies show , that there is hope of attacking bacterial infections.

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