HLTC22H3 Lecture 11: Lecture 11
Document Summary
Canadian food inspection agency and dats (deli agency of montreal) don"t eat smoke meats, pepperoni, and others may be contaminated with lysteria. Lysteriosis is a food borne illness affects ppl who are vulnerable such as the elderly also affects newborns and ppl with weakened immune systems and pregnant women. Pregnant women are 20x more likely to acquire the disease than healthy adults. Lysteriosis is caused by lysteria monositogenesis lysteria can suvive and continue to grow even when in the fridge. Foods contaminated withlysteria will look, smell and taste normally. Lysteria can be killed by proper cooking methods. Dairy products, fish, meat and veggies common foods that lysteria contaminates. Ontarios crash stop hospitals more than 1/3 of ontarios hospitals (38%) spend more money than they take in. Can get a waiver if they come up with a strategy to re-balance the books (get rid of the deficits) Hospitals are supposed to work within their budget.