HLTC23H3 Lecture : Lecture 2

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29 Mar 2011

Document Summary

Lecture 2 jan 18/11- the ecological model of child development. Three approaches to understanding development: jean piaget, lev vygotsky. some claim to be opposite of piaget: bowlby and attachment theory. Will outline bronfenbrenner"s ecological approach to understanding child development, which is best suited tour project of linking macro variables to child outcomes. Tiger mom = asian mom who was very strict on her children. Mormon mothers = highest rate of anti-depressants, expect to marry young and have multiple children, can"t work outside of home even with university education. Swiss philosopher- scientist: never associated himself with psychology. The most influential development psychologist: freud as well, but mostly with adults, piaget talked mainly to his own children, all this theory are testable and proven with certain modification, can"t make the same claims with freud. Believed in genetic epistemology as an approach to understanding development. Thought that children were little thought-sacks .