HLTC43H3 Lecture 2: HLTC03 week 2.doc
Document Summary
Politics as government : politics is primarily associated with the art of government and the activities of the state. Politics as public life: politics is primarily concerned with the conduct and management of community affairs. Politics as conflict resolution: politics is concerned with the expression and resolution of conflict through compromise, conciliation, negotiation, and other strategies. Politics as power: politics is that process through which desired outcomes are achieved in the production, distribution, and use of scarce resources in all areas of social existence. Source: bambra, c. , fox, d & scott-samuel,a. (2005). Health is political because, like any other resource or commodity under a neo-liberal economic system, some social groups have more of it than others. Health is political because its social determinants are amenable to po. Health is often reduced and misrepresented as health care ( or in the uk, as the national health. Consequently, the politics of health becomes significantly misconstructed as the politics of health care. (p189)