IDSB04H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Sub-Saharan Africa, Data Collection System, Visible Minority

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What do we know, what do we need to know, and why does it matter. Require data for health decision making locally and globally. There are enormous deficiencies in health data most are guestimates and extrapolations. Reporting of international health to other countries is important, china held information of a virus and made it worse. Very few societies consider poverty to be an underlying cause of death: need to find correlations between things like death rates in low income areas as opposed to high income. Cannot assume causal pathways with the data on hand. Girl born in 2015 has a life expectancy of 73/8 boys have 69 years a child born in 2015 has a life expectancy 6 years higher then on born in 1990. Not all lives are equally recorded: one third of births and two thirds of the estimated 56 million global annual deaths, including almost 50% of child deaths are not registered.

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