IDSB04H3 Lecture 10: Chapter 10

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Natural environment j physical, chemical and biological factors and processes external to people, though potentially of their making. Built environment j human-made settings, such as buildings, housing, sanitation and transportation system, whether part of large cityscapes, roadways or small settlements. Social environment j conditions within which people live and work, as shaped by cultural, historical, social, economic, and political relations and factors. Ecology j study of the relationship and interacts between living organisms and their environment. Ecosystem j system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms and their natural environment usually geographically defined. Political ecology j understanding of the relationship and tensions between the natural (environmental) and anthropogenic (human-led) change. Table 10. 2 the impact of environmental problems and condition on health. Toxic pesticides and organic chemicals, toxic metals, food agents. To domestication of animals and plants (10 j 15000 years ago) To human settlements and cities (5,000 years ago)

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