IDSB04H3 Lecture 12: Chapter 14
Document Summary
Yet learning is multi-directional and engagement in international health can be transformative. Presumes that the powerful have a monopoly on knowledge. Relies on some development economists who smugly reproduce advice and actions based on. That the colonial past is distant flawed models. Continuing legacy of 60m exposed, 100k infected. Problem of african body or colonial body politic. Practicing international health: people, organizations and the world order p698-9: motivations and actions of individuals, missions and interventions of organization, logic and structures of the world order. Gupta and farmer p704: know the setting: students should learn about the political, sociocultural and economic z , expand the notion of treatment, continue involvement upon returning home: International health research: challenges and ethical dimensions (individual and institutional levls) 10/90 gap j 10% of all research activities and money addressing 90% of all health problems. Who does research on whom and why? (research imperialism vs. southern innovation)