LINA01H3 Lecture Notes - Rhotic Consonant, Pharynx, Vocal Folds

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Phonetics- (phone +etic: having the property of sound ) The scientific study of speech sounds: articulatory phonetics- production of speech sounds, acoustic phonetics- physical properties of speech sounds (not covered, auditory phonetics- how sounds are heard and perceived (not covered) When you hear sound, air molecules are being pressed against your eardrums. Evidence of segments" from speech errors: slips of the tongue/spoonersisms. a lack of pies (a pack of lies: segments as planning units in speech production. Acoustic signals do not come with segment boundaries: you cannot really isolate b" from a" or n" from a" in the continuous acoustic signal. The aticulatory gestures for different segments are typically produced with a significant amount of overlap. Overlap is called co-articulation (when the sounds of letters blend i. e. b-a-n) English speakers hear segments when they are not necessarily evident in the physical signal. We fail to hear things that are there

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