LINA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Contrastive Distribution, Sonorant, Complementary Distribution

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Phonological analysis: distribution: contrastive distribution-separate phonemes, complementary distribution-allophones of the same phone + rule, free variation: allophones of the same phoneme + no rule or optional/random rule. English aspiration: voiceless aspirated stops occur only at the beginning of a word or stressed syllable, voiceless unaspirated stops occur elsewhere, english speakers use this distribution (aspiration) even when they speak other languages. If by replacing one phone, a difference in meaning is caused, the two phones are in contrastive distribution: allophones of separate phonemes. If yes, the sounds are in complementary distribution, and a rule is written that takes the distributions into account. Chart of environments: obstruent = stops, fricatives and affricates, the underlying phoneme has a wider distribution. Types of phonological processes: assimilation-to become similar, a segment becomes more like a neighbouring segment. It has direction, progressive i. e. aa ab or regressive i. e. It has direction, progressive i. e. aa ab or regressive i. e. ab aa.

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