MDSA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Frankfurt School, Media Consumption, Narrowcasting

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28 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Media seek audiences to inform, enlighten, entertain, and sell to advertisers or pay a fee for the receipt of content. Scholars and social scientists seek to understand the nature of the interaction between the media and their audiences. Members of the industry want to know demographic characteristics so they can pinpoint the characteristics of the audience or product" they are selling to advertisers and marketers. With the printing press, the act of communication between the originator of a message and its recipients became increasingly mediated. Digitalization and media convergence have been used to break down the distance between media production and consumption. Audience fragmentation presents a serious challenge to broadcasters, as it leads to a lowering of the advertising rates then can charge. Audience interpretations of media content are derived from the following factors: The social background or history of the audience member. The social situation, or context, within which the media consumption is taking place.

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