MGHB02H3 Lecture : Chapter 10 Notes
Document Summary
Communication the process by which information is exchanged between sender and receiver. Communication errors can occur at any point in this model. Effective communication the right people receive the right information in a timely manner. Chain of command the lines of authority and formal reporting relationships. (remember max weber and bureaucracy) on an organization chart, these are shown as solid lines. Informal or secondary reporting relationships are often shown as a dotted line. Downward communication information that flows down from the top of the organization directions, commands, vision. Upward communication information that flows from the bottom towards the top of the organization ideas, suggestions, feedback. Horizontal communication information that flows between departments or functions, usually as a coordinating effort may have to flow up before it flows across depends upon the communication culture of the organization. Informal channels chain of command model does not consider informal communications personal networks that may not follow the strict chain of command.