MGMA01H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Qr Code, New Product Development, Marketing Mix
Document Summary
Place is often the least talked a(cid:271)out of the four p"s. Tesco (home plus) used a new approach to increase their market share in south. Korea by placing images of the shelves in the subway and allowing shoppers to buy online by scanning the ite(cid:373)"s qr (cid:272)ode a(cid:374)d addi(cid:374)g to the (cid:272)art, the ite(cid:373)s are deli(cid:448)ered to the (cid:272)o(cid:374)su(cid:373)er"s ho(cid:373)e. Without an intermediary (e. g. supermarket), there would be much more transactions and time and resources wasted due to the need to travel to the manufacturers directly by households. The more intermediaries there are, the more expensive the good, due to the intermediaries needing to make some money along each stage. Types of distribution systems: direct: from the manufacturer to the consumer, through own sales force. Indirect: from manufacturer to other intermediaries (e. g. wholesalers, retailers, etc. ) to the consumer. They impact all long term relationships between companies.