MGSC14H3 Lecture 11: Lecture 11-Polluting Mar 21

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10 Aug 2010
Week 11
1) Bring the pollutee into the market
- let ppl own the ocean, but privatization UHOLHVODUJHO\RQJRYVR\RXGLGQ¶WHOLPLQDWHWKH
2) bring the pollutee into the legal system
- have appointed ppl represent the trees etc in a particular area, and can sue on behave of
the trees
- in the legal system, those who have the right to sue others, can also be sued
- so if nature can sue , then ppl can sue nature (ex. if the air above Florida becomes a
hurricane, ppl can sue)
3) bring the polluter into the market place
- using the market system (prices) to punish the polluters ex. Carbon tax
- paying a price for polluting
- objections: ethical issue is some things should be bought and sold [ coz ppl should have
that and buying these coupons
- anything we put a price on, we think its legitimate
4) being the polluter into the legal system
Polluter Victim
Subjective Objective Subjective
- fault - no fault - jobs, physical health
- spiritual
- negligent - liable under any
- only have them pay a price circumstances
if they know they are doing
something wrong
- the polluter should be regulated objectively , the damages should be subjective
- proponents of divestment say that South African Blacks care about and respond to
political concerns, and principles beyond mere economic self interest
- then even if divestment hurts the ppl you wana help, you can justify it
- opponents of divestment say that south African whites care about and respond to
political concerns and principles beyond mere economic self interest
Æ divestment is worse than constructive engagement
- divestment is a threat, constructive engagement is not
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