MGTA01H3 Lecture Notes - Risk Aversion

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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Source: the economist, pocket world in figures, 2010. It"s easy for a small business to fail. Most would-be entrepreneurs think odds of success are: People who need friendly relationships, motivated by interaction with others. N-aff produces need to be liked, held in high regard. People who seek achievement, want to attain challenging goals. Locus of control or her life. events that affect them. A person"s belief about what causes good or bad results in his. The extent to which people believe that they can control. People belief that events result from their own behavior and. People who believe that powerful others, fate, or chance. Entrepreneurs: recognise opportunities assemble and mobilise resources assume risks to realise rewards. People see risk: from new situations, complexity, or the unknown. Risk intolerance: new or previously unknown situations seen as threatening. Risk tolerance: people see new or previously unknown situations as desirable. Entrepreneur in family: single most telling indicator of.

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