MGTA01H3 Lecture : Chapter 8 Lecture
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S tasks are assigned to those skilled in performing them: departmentalization. S does not mean one person for each component. S you need only enough people to carry out those component that. S must be done at the same time. 1: as the business grows, there is more specialization. S one person cannot handle al the steps. S there is more demand for each step, so one person specializes in a step and hands over the other steps to someone else: growth. In small businesses, the manager manages and does the accounting www. notesolution. com. S but eventually, the manager hires an accountant as the task. Chapter 8 . ppt / 02 becomes too time consuming: tasks are divided into components according to skill. S jobs are easier to learn when broken down. S easier to replace employees who leave, as they do not take unique skills with them: disadvantages. S employees become bored and indifferent when you treat them like machines.