MGTA01H3 Lecture : Chapter 9 Lecture
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MGTA01H3 Full Course Notes
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Human relations: people in the firm, what are the human relations functions, job analysis. S once we know what the jobs are, we can look for the staff to fill them. Internal staffing find new staff from within. N very time consuming and expensive to gather a pool of suitable candidates and review the applications. N difficult to assess external hires in the short time available. Interviews to assess new hires, give out information: staff development and evaluation. N job training: training through instruction, training on the job. N career development: new skills required, team building www. notesolution. com. N period assessment of how staff are doing in the job. N gather information: from managers, from subordinates, from others working with the employee. N provided feedback to the employee: compensation and benefits. N merit plans: merit pay for skills learned, knowledge based plans pay for courses or credits obtained.