MGTA01H3 Lecture : Chapter 10B Lecture
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Motivating and leading employees: leading the business. S other criteria: goal setting, give people goals that are. S what does this say about the relationship between workers and the job: management by objectives. S gains commitment, clarity on the goals and encourages performance. Improve progress by considering performance throughout throughout: participative management www. notesolution. com. S employees given a voice in how they do their jobs and how the company is managed. S but workers need to be sure they will not lose their jobs to others: team management. Instead of working as isolated individuals, workers work in teams to increase flexibility. S the team takes responsibility for its production. S but if production is the only criterion, faster workers resent slower because they reduce profits, and slower workers resent faster for making them work harder: job enrichment. S as part of the job, give employees something they consider motivating. S allow employees to interact with clients: modified work schedules.