MGTA01H3 Lecture 4: Lecture 4-7
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anyone may start a business: no fees, no government permission. i t"s easy to start a small business. i t"s easy for a small business to fail. Entrepreneurs: personality traitsthe people likely to become entrepreneurs: high need for achievement , psychologist david mcclelland (1961) needs motivation theory: 3 ba. Profs brother (like to be powerful, and influential: need for affiliation (n-aff) people who need friendly relationships, motivated by interaction with others. N-aff produces need to be liked, held in high regard. Team players. (high school teacher brother; hanging out like others) (liked to be liked)doctors, nurses, high school. people, who seek achievement, want to attain challenging goals. N-ach produces people who need accomplishment. (ex. professor) set goals for themselves and challenge themselves: entrepreneurs: seek challenges, set goals, take risks, have a very high need for achievement .