MGTA01H3 Lecture Notes - Human Resource Management, Unemployment Benefits, Job Analysis
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Activities directed at attracting, developing and maintaining an effective workforce. Human resources management (hrm) is the set of organizational. Managers now realize that the effectiveness of their hr function has a costly in terms of unemployment compensation payments, training expenses and morale. Poor hr planning can result in spurts of hiring followed by layoffs . Haphazard compensation systems do not attract, keep and motivate good employees, and outmoded recruitment practices can expose the firm to expensice and embarrassing legal action other strategic planning activities. Many firms are developing strategic hr plans that are integrated with. Human resource planning involves job analysis and forecasting the demand for and supply of labour. Starting point in attracting qualified human resources is planning which. Job analysis is a systematic analysis of jobs within an organization. and the tools, materials and equipment used to perform it. Job description lists the duties of a job, its working conditions needed to do the job.