MGTA02H3 Lecture Notes - Financial Accounting, Product Differentiation, Income Statement

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Service operations: production activities that yield intangible services. Goods production: production activities that yield tangible services. Operations management: the systematic direction and control of the processes that transform resources into finished goods or services. Operations process: a set of methods and technologies used in the production of a good or a service. Analytic process: any production process in which resources are broken down. Synthetic process: any production process in which resources are combined. Goods-manufacturing processes can be classified in two different ways: type of transformation technology and by the analytic or synthetic nature of the transformation process. 3 service characteristics: intangibility, customization, and unstorability. Main elements in forecast planning, capacity, location, layout, quality, and methods planning. Layout must be planned for 3 different types of space: productive facilities (workstations and equipment for transforming raw materials) Non productive facilities: storage and maintenance areas.