MGTA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Millennials, Baby Boomers, Marketing Mix

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Mgta02h3 s managing the business organization | week 2. Office hours: ic 200b 12:00-13:00 monday, 13:00-14:00 tuesday, or by appointment. However, leaders and managers should work hand in hand together. In a company structure, leaders are usually placed under the ceos and managers. This week: marketing: marketing: a philosophy that helps people identify customers" need and want and tells people how to satisfy them. Is a social process: involves the society, involves human beings: need: a psychological feature that human have, want: people"s willingness to buy a product, want vs. demand. Want is the willingness only, but demand is people"s willingness and their abilities to buy somethings. As defined by chartered institute of marketing, marketing is a management system to: Kotler once said: the business" resources should primarily be directed toward serving customers needs . These two cant do one without another: the marketing mix (4ps)