MGTA02H3 Lecture 1: MGTA02H3 S - Week 1 Note

MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Mgta02h3 s managing the business organization | week 1. Office hours: ic 200b 12:00-13:00 monday, 13:00-14:00 tuesday, or by appointment. Introduction of the course: definitions from mgta01: Economic systems: capitalism (adam smith) vs. socialism (karl marx) Measuring performance: gdp, gdp per capita, etc. Forms of organization: sole partnership, general partnership, corporation, etc. Factors of production: natural resources/land, capital, labor (entrepreneurship and information) Small business: the majority of canadian businesses are small. Etc: tips for students who want to start business, grow your network by making one more friend every week, think of creative business ideas, what we are going to cover in this course: Look into the business systems and find out how to manage it. Chpater 1: managing and managers: business: formed for a purpose, business needs leadership ---> business needs leaders, sometimes leaders of a company will have conflict and fight ---> not good for a firm, managing: involves getting things done.