MGTA02H3 Lecture : Chapter 2
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MGTA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Productivity a measure of efficiency that compares how much is produced with the resources used to product it. Quality a product"s fitness for use in terms of offering the features that consumers want. Labour productivity partial productivity ratio calculated by dividing gross domestic product by total number of workers. Total quality management (tqm) or quality assurance a concept that emphasizes that no defects are tolerable and that all employees are responsible for maintaining quality standards. Performance quality the overall degree of quality; how well the features of a product meet consumers" needs and how well the product performs. Quality reliability the consistency of quality from unit to unit of a product. Quality ownership the concept that quality belongs to each employee who creates or destroys it in producing a good or service; the idea that all workers must take responsibility for producing a quality product. Business process re-engineering redesigning of business processes to improve performance, quality, and productivity.