PHLA10H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: A Posteriori, Ontological Argument, Prime Number
Document Summary
Organisms will change over time to adapt to environment. Sci explanation: a regress of deeper facts. Global don"t have underlying structure to explain them. God can explain global (ex leibniz"s story) We aren"t left with a super global question & why god + universe. God"s causal power (whats causation?how can anything outside space and time cause anything in the universe?) > what is the principle?- everything happens has a reason, or explanation. >prob: if princ. is true it seems that there are no contingent facts, everything that happens or exists is necessaryy. Some truths (a priori=before) can be known simply by use of concenpts and without any particular experience or observation (a posteriori=after experience ) A priori truths entail existence - some a priori truths entail existence. Ex. there is a prime number btw 50 - 55. 2 distinctions: a priori/a posteriori and necessary/contingent. God is that greater than which none can be conceived.