PHLA10H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Conservation Law, Lady Gaga, Dukkha

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3 Feb 2013

Document Summary

What is the mind: mental states (beliefs, desire, etc, consciousness (feelings, sensations, etc) What is matter or the physical: what is described by physics, physical states (mass, shapes, electrics charge, etc) The mind-body problem = explaining the relationship between the mental and the physical. The source of the modern mind-body problem is descartes: trait de l"homme (1664) Dualism = the view that mind and matter are different things: one form of dualism is cartesian dualism. Mind is non-spatial (has no size, no location) Mind is in causal interaction with matter. Injury to body causes painful feeling in mind. Mental decision to raise arm causes arm to rise. Materialism = the view that mind is a part of the material world which is all there is: one form of materialism is the mind-brain identity theory. Analogy with the discover that water = h o. Neuroscience will discover that mind = brain. Soul (whatever it is) seems to involve mind.

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