PHLA10H3 Lecture 5: Week 5 Notes
Document Summary
Two hypothesis: a single tree of life, modification by natural selection one tree of life means all living creatures are descended from one original organism. Modification by natural selection involves some extra hypothesis: offsprings inherit the characteristics of their parents, there is a slight variation in ____ some variations increase fitness of offspring, e. g. artificial selection. Population gets geography splintered so they evolve (natural selection) to surroundings. Theistic evolution god created world and stepped away let evolution take its course. Atheistic evolution there is no god only physical processes leading to evolution. Creationism god created world god intervenes (young earth) (no speciation) Thermodynamics makes evolution impossible impossible for order to arise from disorder by natural process but this is for closed systems the earth is not closed so the second law is not correct anything can happen www. notesolution. com. Faith vs. science is creationism science or religion.