PHLA10H3 Lecture 6: Week 6 Notes
Document Summary
Predictively equivalent- two hypothesis that lead to the same conclusion science cant tell them apart by testing remember the conditions of plausibility. Priori can be known simply by use of concepts and without any experience or observations (posteriori) A priori truth and existence some a priori truth entail existence how do a priori existence claim affect the question: why is there something rather than nothing an a priori existence claims ensures that question. Two distinctions a priori / a posteriori necessary / contingent. First premises: god is possible noted this is an objective claim. We can conceive or imagine what is not possible ex. Second premise: existence is a kind of perfection. If it did not we could conceiver of one more perfect which is impossible. The fact that all things exist does not show that existence is not a property. X & y are very similar or identical. Two possible explanations for same conclusion common source.