PHLA10H3 Lecture : Week 10 notes

74 views3 pages
8 Feb 2011

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Is it possible that nature should not be uniform. It seems possible, therefore, pun sis not a priori. Therefore, pun is a posteriori so it must be proven either by observation or induction. We cannot observe pun because it is about the future so we must give an inductive argument for pun. Therefore, the argument will contain an assumption the assumption according to hume will be pun although this is circular reasoning and cannot show pun. Argument: in the past, pun has always been true therefore, inductively, pun is true. Hume notes that this argument depends on the assumption that nature will continue to obey pun. The argument ought to be: in the past, pun has always been true. This argument fails because it blatantly assumes what it wants to prove. Hume thought we should reason inductively even though we have no rational reason to do so.

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