PHLB81H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Marvin Minsky, Enigma Machine, Freeman Dyson

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24 Nov 2016

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Week #12 lecture #11: wednesday november 22, 2016. Thought it would be very likely in the future (wrote it in the 1950s) Two competing views: turing: probably, searle: no! Alan turing: 1912-1954, computer scientist, mathematician, logician, awesome, cracked the previously uncrackable enigma machine, treated very poorly by british government. Better question to ask: whether the computer can pass a test. In a room we have 2 ppl: a/b (woman/man) Rule of the game is to confuse person c. C can ask any kind of question. If you replace person a w/ a computer, the limitation game takes a different turn. E. g. , b saying that he is a woman, with long hair. In another room we have person c: tries to figure out who he"s talking to. A/b has to convince person c that they"re b/a respectively. Good enough to convince that it has a mind.

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