POLB50Y3 Lecture : 'Friendly Dictatorship' or Priministerial Power
Document Summary
Lecture four: friendly democracy" or prime ministerial power february 17, 2011. Types of regimes: monarchy/dictatorship, give authority to a monarch/individual, theocracy, give authority to a religious leader/text, aristocracy/oligarchy, give authority to a group of elites, democracy/liberal democracy. Liberalism > democracy in a liberal democracy; we follow the letter of. Origins of democracy: traced to athens because of their citizen voting system o. Direct democracy: direct democracy through referendum in canada o. Election held to allow people to decide on a series of issues (ie. charlottetown accord 1992, electoral reform in ontario and bc: canadian democratic system o o. Elected representatives make decisions which they are held. Power to make laws: executive power o. Power to interpret laws: powers can be distributed among different levels, or can be held by one individual o. Power is divided, and it is required that the judiciary is independent of the executive and legislative powers.