POLB50Y3 Lecture : Electoral System 2

73 views2 pages
9 Apr 2011

Document Summary

Lecture nine: electoral system, continued march 31, 2011. How do people decide: ads o o. Attack ads as beneficial for parties but not group. Doesn"t take into account differing views in parties. Voter turnout: graph: increase in proportions of canadian population that"s voting o. Graph typically shown from 1988 to give a more drastic picture of decline: people who vote once tend to vote in subsequent elections o. If your first time voting is a negative experience and you don"t vote, you probably never will: possible solutions o. Raise the voting age: 18 year olds in the past were not the same as 18 year olds now; lifecycle change. Why do people vote: duty to vote. Not a very concrete answer: how do voters behave once they"ve decided to vote? o o o o. Political scientists assume that people either do think like they do about politics or that they should o.

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