POLB80H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Multilateral Treaty, Security Dilemma, International Relations

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Arms races: an arms race is a classic example of a security dilemma, during the cold war, an increase in nuclear capabilities by the us prompted the. How can we mitigate uncertainty and insecurity: neo-liberal institutionalism shows that increased cooperation is possible through: Cooperation is common: interstate war is a rare event, most interstate relations are peaceful interactions, like trade relationships. Postal services: international laws and institutions facilitate relations, including global trade and finance. International law: refers to the rules and norms that are generally considered binding upon states, sources of international law are: Bilateral and multilateral treaties (including international conventions and charters all must be ratified domestically) For example, if china and the us sign an agreement together that becomes law between the two states, because both countries signed it. For example: there is a treaty of not making nuclear weapons, iran is bonded to this treaty, but israel is not.

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