POLB81H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Kyoto Protocol, Transnationalism
Document Summary
Institutionalist perspective to climate change: most established/effective perspective, a global problem requires a global solution. Trying to cooperate over national/absolute emissions, not per capita. Producer commissions not consumer: trying to cooperate about how countries will reduce these emissions tracing out where these emissions are largely coming from, producer/consumer relationship. Institutionalist story on governance of cc is on these periodic events to organize international treaties on cc. The main reason why these treaties did not work is because of a lack of agreement. There are 5 main groups to cc crisis: 1. G1 large producers/consumers of fossil fuel energy (us, canada, russia, japan: 2. G2 large developing nations (china, india, brazil, You caused this historically, if you want to fix it you have to pay. Also, they want to reach the level of economic development they the developed countries have, and this requires releasing great amounts of greenhouse gases: 3.