POLB91H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Vigilante
Document Summary
Gnp per capital = less than means successful coup attempts and are successful; countries with gnp per capita that is greater than means no coup attempts. The military in power- does military rule produce greater political stability. +socio-economic development: combating corruption- we would give them a fail because they are more corrupt, establishing stability- effective in the short-term but not very pleasant for the citizens. In the long term there will be resentment by closing off the system: promoting economic development- semi-authoritarian east asian tigers. Might be more of a mix depending on the military intervention in power. Accumulation of debt was mostly under corrupt military regimes and this led to debt crisis. Key point: the endurance of military governments depends largely on their economic performance. In this respect, military regime can"t survive for so long and can be quickly undermined. Which is why there was a massive shift in democracy in the 80s.