POLB91H3 Lecture 4: Jan. 31st, 2012 - Lecture 4 - some spelling mistakes here and there and a weird configuration...sorry!

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Coup d"etat - strike of the state or a military takeover of power. Different schools of thought: the nature of the armed forces explains the frequency and the nature of military intervention based on the internal characteristics of the military itself (training, background of the officers, etc. ) The following describes each situation and the correlation: Gnp per capita < = successful coup attempts [lower income] Gnp per capita > = unsuccessful coup attempts [lower middle] Gnp per capita > = no coup attempts [upper middle] Balance sheet (the three main justifications: combating corruption they receive a failing grade here. They may receive a passing grade or a failing grade. They may spend money on needless things like military training, weapons, etc. A military coup can mismanage the economy, especially if they are borrowing all their money. Key factor: the endurance of military governments depends largely on their economic performance.

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