POLC70H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Random Assignment, Parrhesia, Direct Democracy

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11 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Major themes for this course: theories of political community, theories of political authority, theories of. Egypt) encouraging investigation of both the natural world as well as the domain of human affairs: separation of nature (phusis) and convention (nomos) Such diversity demanded a science to study the polis a political science": the polis as a device to make persons virtuous and moral. A modern view: individual rights to secure non-interference. The greek view: interference is good; individuals as members of the state (much more public involvement) Sparta"s population: very little change in sparta"s way of life over its history. Democracy: very unstable political form: athens was governed under various forms of government, not just democracy. Although their form of rule was democracy, it was very different in the sense that you could only really participate if you own land, are not a woman or a child: direct" democracy, not representative" democracy: Generally not by election but by lot, random assignment.

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