POLC70H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Athenian Democracy, Socratic Method, Sophist
Document Summary
The socratic method: what justice is not. (plato tries to tell us that its incomplete because it only gives us the boundaries: plato"s strategy: determine what kind of goods justice is (intrinsic or instrumental or some combination). The inward turn toward the soul: justice is essential for happiness. But what makes a person happy: the analogy: a city is sort of like a large person. Important: happiness involves this unequal/unbalanced structure: justice in the city requires that all members do their own work; similarly, justice in the soul requires that the parts perform their own function. Plato"s theory of justice in the ideal city: iv. 433b: justice is doing one"s own work. ), (mm): states that in order for a person to be just is when these individual parts are performing their own separate tasks and not interfering, a person is just only when these parts perform their own tasks. Plato"s answer: the best (iii. 412c) must rule.