POLC70H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Thrasymachus, Albertus Magnus, Summa Theologica

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11 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Is law natural or is it artificial: the answer to this depends on which concept of law we are employing lex or ius, lex is the product of human will of the legislator. It is artificial, it can be made and it can be unmade: ius is natural and derives from nature. For cicero, it is rooted firmly in the social bonds between humans: the law (ius) is naturally inborn in us. Right reason is a part of human reason. Therefore every human has the natural capacity to recognize and live. Cicero"s worry: not all law is law (not all lex is ius) according to ius: think about thrasymachus. Yes, but you will have to rationalize the law to make it conform to the requirements of right reason. Cicero"s theory of law: textual sources in cicero. Find quotes in lecture: what law is not.

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