POLC70H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Unam Sanctam, Radical Change
Document Summary
Lecture 10: political thought of the protestant reformation (luther and calvin) Background: the medieval catholic church as political institution, unam sanctam doctrine: the whole world governed under the authority of the. Secular rulers hold temporal powers granted to them on loan" by the pope: the critique of marsilius: denial of coercive jurisdiction to the church, most important radical change in church politics in early c. 16 germany: the. Protestant" reformation beginning with the ninety-five theses, set in motion a series of events leading to a clear break away from the authority structure of the. You could not get salvation except through them. Luther"s idea: priesthood was redundant every person could in theory by-pass the priestly intermediary and make a direct connection with god. Anybody with genuine faith could be a priest (hence, the priesthood of all believers): faith is what mattered, not works or satisfying arbitrary rules established by the. Three major issues: religious diversity and toleration.