POLC70H3 Lecture 11: Bodin
Document Summary
Exam format: multiple choice, identification, short response, essay question (linking readings and concepts together and thinking broadly about the connection between them, material from aquinas to today. Mainly looking at what bodin has to say about the concept of sovereignty. However, jean bodin (c. 1530 1596: states that the most important political theorist between machiavelli and. Hobbes: author of the six books of the commonwealth, famous for its definition of sovereignty first time that a theorist explicitly tries to define and study this concept. First examples of secular political theorists (doesn"t want to talkabout religious authority: he also wants to separate the concept of the commonwealth from sovereign. So consider a prince who holds sovereign power engages in an act but only in a private and not an act on the entire state. Certain things that a sovereign can do in a personal or private capacity that is not always the states capacity.