POLC71H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Hugo Grotius, Child Prodigy, Remonstrants

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10 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Why grotius: grotius" importance to modern political and legal thought comparable to. Newton"s to physics: father of international law, the first modern theorist of individual rights, an important link to classical history, law, and philosophy, the founder of a new modern moral science. Who was grotius: dutch, born in the spanish netherlands (while under spanish rule) but witnesses early in life the dutch revolt leading to the political independence of the dutch. Republic (low countries: child prodigy: the miracle of holland, early legal career: lawyer for the vereenigde oost-indische compagnie (v. o. c. = dutch east india company: later political career: attorney general of holland and pensionary (governor) of. Escape from the netherlands: grotius aligned with calvinist reformers (the remonstrants). Theologically in conflict with orthodox calvinists on technical matters of doctrine (concerning issues such as predestination): the orthodox calvinists stage a coup and takeover the government of the dutch.

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