POLC71H3 Lecture : March 22 Lecture - Rousseau II

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22 Apr 2011

Document Summary

Rousseau is indebted to the ancients (i. e. plato and aristotle) We can still vote for our government that"s giving a law to ourselves. Rousseau if you think you"re governing yourselves, you are even more enslaved. Make yourself even more un-free having representatives doesn"t make you free. Slavery also comes from not listening to your reason (i. e. plato"s hierarchy of the soul: you listen to your appetites/passions instead. Plato to be governed by our beastly appetites, we"re slaves governed by impulse: external slavery governed by laws of others. Internal slavery governed by appetites/passions, rather than reason a lot of us are governed by this. Rousseau consumer culture is an example of feeding our appetites. Disturbs our perception that everything around us is real: points us to another idea of what we can be as humans, the sovereign.

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